30 de marzo de 2021

Check out our website! www.wildcams.ca

Don't forget to check out our website for resources on camera trap protocols, recent camera trap publications, and upcoming events that camera trap users might find useful.

We are also planning to expand our focus on engagement over the coming months and would like to know what community scientists and others want to see from WildCAM.

Get in touch! And become a member if you are not already.

Publicado el 30 de marzo de 2021 a las 06:04 AM por alys_g alys_g | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de mayo de 2020

Information about setting up camera traps & data collection sheets for the field

We recently posted a Guide to Camera Trap Set Up which can be found on our WildCAM Protocol page (https://wildcams.ca/protocols/). This guide highlights some of the major considerations camera trap users should have in mind when deciding where and how to set up their camera traps. It is meant as a general guide for those who may have limited experience with formal sampling methods but are interested in having their camera trap photos used in research to support wildlife science and management.

We also created some data collection sheets that camera trap users can use in the field (also found at the above website). These are meant for anyone who might have data from multiple cameras to contribute and wishes to make their data be useful for research purposes. These data sheets can be used during camera deployment and during camera visits or retrieval. Our datasheets are consistent with metadata standards developed by Wildlife Insights and the RISC Wildlife Camera Metadata standard.

We welcome feedback and are happy to answer any questions you may have!


Publicado el 20 de mayo de 2020 a las 04:47 AM por alys_g alys_g | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de abril de 2020

Welcome to WildCAM! Please read the following info!

This is the citizen science portal for WildCAM (Wildlife Cameras for Adaptive Management). We encourage anyone using camera traps in British Columbia or Alberta to join WildCAM (www.wildcams.ca) and submit their photos of wildlife in western Canada.

Before you add your photos to the WildCAM project, please note the following information:

Multiple photos of the same event and individual are considered to be a single observation and should be combined when uploading photos.

Similarly, for large batches of photos from the same camera station, make sure you combine photos into single observations, where appropriate. Generally, photos of the same species at the same camera station are considered to be separate observations when they occur at least 30 minutes apart.

The date and time of each camera trap photo should be automatically filled in when you upload them. If this does not occur, please manually add this information from the photo timestamps.

We ask that you try to fill out as many of the fields as possible when submitting observations (e.g. habitat type, camera height, model, etc).

If you'd like your photos to be part of ongoing or future research projects, please get in touch so we can let you know what information is important for you to collect when you set up your camera(s). We are currently developing a datasheet to highlight which data should be recorded when setting up camera traps which we will post here in the coming weeks. Check back for updates and stay tuned!!

For questions about using iNaturalist, please refer the help page (https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/help). For information about WildCAM, contact info@wildcams.ca or send us a message via iNaturalist.

Publicado el 05 de abril de 2020 a las 12:25 AM por alys_g alys_g | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
