Spring Wild Flowers & Returning Migrants

Our very own Brian Popelier, Land Stewarship Coordinator & Ecologiest, brings this month's journal post to you:

April - Spring Wild flowers
The weather is warming and the sun is shining so keep a look out for Spring ephemerals as you hike along the Bruce Trail. These plants are the first to flower after the cold, grey winter and complete their life cycle in just a few short weeks before the tree canopy leafs out, shading the forest floor from the available sunlight. After this, these plants wither and die back with only a wisp of their former self remaining until next Spring. So get out on the trail and watch for Trilliums, Spring Beauties, Bloodroot, Hepaticas, Trout Lilies and Dutchman's Breeches to name a few. And don’t forget to add your observations to the Bruce Trail Conservancy iNaturalist project while you're at it.

Round Lobed Hepatica– photo credit – Brian Popelier

Yellow Trout Lily – photo credit – Brian Popelier

White Trillium – photo credit – Brian Popelier

Bloodroot – photo credit – Brian Popelier

Dutchman's Breeches – photo credit – Brian Popelier

Carolina Spring Beauty– photo credit – Brian Popelier

May – Returning migrants
May is a great month for birding along the Bruce Trail as many of Ontario’s migratory birds are returning from their wintering grounds. Whether it’s a cloud of Blackbirds or a wave of Warblers, its always exhilarating to see our feathered friends return with the warmer weather. The Bruce Trail Conservancy ensures these birds have habitat to rest and feed during their long journeys as well as forests, meadows and wetlands for breeding and nesting.

Blackburnian Warbler– photo credit – Brian Popelier

Common Grackle– photo credit – Brian Popelier

Eastern Towhee– photo credit – Brian Popelier
Scarlet Tanager– photo credit – Brian Popelier

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Publicado el 25 de marzo de 2024 a las 08:31 PM por shimeem shimeem


Thanks Brian. Eagerly awaiting bloodroot and hepatica as Spring snow melts. Thanks for photos while I wait!

Anotado por klawday hace 2 meses

Saw a sure sign of spring today while hiking the Seaton Trail - skunk cabbage!

Anotado por eyesfornature hace 2 meses

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