Archivos de Diario para junio 2014

19 de junio de 2014


Spiders often intrigue me, however the seem to hold some degree of fright depending on the circumstance. In the past, I had gained a deathly fear of the larger species. When I was a very young boy, I can still recall the day I was playing with some friends in the meadow next door, and while running happily down a narrow path through the tall weeds and blackberries, I ran smack into a huge orb web. The sticky net wrapped around my face, stopping me dead in my tracks. As I clawed the web away from my head and body, there was this enormous black and yellow garden spider crawling up my chest. With a fast swipe, I swatted it away, only to see it return on it's web line like a yo-yo, clinging back onto my tee shirt. Of course I was horrified and finally knocked it to the ground, running away in a sheer panic. That one incident traumatized me for years to come, and I was cautious to ever enter the meadow trails again without a keen eye for the giant orbs.
Now much matured in age, I have lost my phobia for the most part. There have been a few incidents where I was a bit nervous, such as the time I stopped into the old outhouse to meditate, and once comfortable on the seat, I looked up to find a large furry wolf spider staring at me with its glistening set of eyes only a foot away. It never moved from its perch on the wall, but my time in that outhouse was cut short and I skedaddled! In one other memorable attack, I was cutting asphalt on a parkway with a paving crew. I can only assume that the vibrations from the cutter blade aggravated a huge gray wolf spider, who scurried out onto the hot asphalt near me in the prone attack position... it's front legs held high and moving very fast and agitated. I shut off the machine and stepped back from this angry little creature, and to my surprise, it quickly came back at me. I danced to the left and the right, as it continued its attack like an provoked hornet. I had never seen a spider act like this before. Finally one of my co-workers walked up and bravely kicked at it. In a flash the large spider disappeared... the co-worker fearing that it had jumped onto him. But as we scanned the entire area, that spider was never to be seen again. Even some time later, I found myself scanning over my trousers and shirt in fear that it was hanging there, that incident reliving a bit of arachnophobia in me.
It is now the time of summer when the new webs begin to appear, strung between the woodland trees like hammocks. As I scout through these many woods, I am on the constant lookout for those glistening face-high webs. I try to avoid them, however it is my habit to carry a spider stick and wave it out front to avoid accidentally wrapping one across my face again!.

Publicado el 19 de junio de 2014 a las 01:59 PM por itchymoche itchymoche | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
