22 de octubre de 2020

Pocosol 17-20 Oct 2020

Stayed at Pocosol Field Station (San Ramon, Costa Rica) 17-20 Oct with Jim Zook.

Hiked most of trails, principally birdwatching.

Mammal list:

Howler Monkey (along entrance road near gate)
White-faced Capuchin (just outside gate and from near statioin)
Spider Monkey (feeding on figs below comedor)
Proechimys semispinosus (seen twice near laguna at night)
Agouti (heard when flushed during day on Henry Murillo trail)
Collared Peccary (fresh tracks seen on Miradores trail)
Kinkajou (Jim heard one at night from station)
Sciurus granatensis (up to 3 in one day in forest)
Sciurus variagatoides thomasi (below comedor)
Lots of bats at night

Also seen:
Lithobates warszewitschii

Ameiva festiva

Publicado el 22 de octubre de 2020 a las 02:21 AM por bruce bruce | 10 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
