Badlands of South Dakota

My October trip to the Badlands was most inspiring, with an incredible unfolding of spectacular scenes and natural features. Preservation of this remarkable part of the USA has been assured by the utter inability of Native Americans ,and European pioneers to farm this hostile soil. Thus a great victory for nature, yielding an array of endemic species that wouldnt be found elsewhere. From the big critters like free roaming buffalo to the lichens and mosses, pleasant surprises appear each minute.

The geological record is also amazing to view sea floors uplifted from tens of millions years past.
Besides the geological science, this uplifted stone presents an unrivaled backdrop for every photo. Perhaps the best element is the low human population density, with negligible resident population, and even low visitation numbers.



Publicado el 25 de noviembre de 2016 a las 04:01 PM por c_michael_hogan c_michael_hogan


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